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Want a place in the video conferencing camera and microphone market? This ultimate Audio and Video Solutions guide will start from the different characteristics of the two market segments, analyze the current market opportunities and end-customer needs in detail, and we will provide you with all possible assistance.

video conference

Eyqoo video conference solution image

Talking head in a conference room and creating a modern environment for global meetings. High production value virtual meetings will further promote professional communication, accommodate remote participants, and create a quality video archive.

After COVID-19, people’s work style has changed dramatically, from the previous office work to the home office. At the same time, with the development of video conferencing platforms, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Amazon Chime, Google Meet, Cisco Webex, BlueJeans, GoToMeeting and Tencent Meeting, etc. communication between companies has also become more & more simpler. The video conferencing system that used to belong to large multinational companies is now supported by cloud video conferencing software, the small and medium-sized companies can also easily build it. Meeting anytime, anywhere.

And here’s where the opportunity lies. These startups need easier-to-use video conferencing systems, as well as new video conferencing cameras and microphones which can deliver high-quality images and clear sound to the other end of the signal line.


Eyqoo eduvation solution image

Reach local and remote speakers including satellite campuses easily and effectively. Bring in remote guest speakers from across the globe.

Education knows no borders or places.

This is characteristic of a civilized society. As early as more than ten years ago, someone spread Yale University’s open courses to the Internet for students around the world to study.

Now, with the high-definition, miniaturization, and intelligent development of video equipment. Studying at home anytime, anywhere, becomes a matter of course. You just need to equip the courseware and turn on the camera. The teacher at the other end can see you and start her class, during which you can also have eye-to-eye communication with the teacher, asking and answering questions.

And the opportunity is here!

Commercial Audio

EM500 is using in large meeting room

With the rise of video conferencing platforms, Online meetings, Hybrid offices, and Hybrid Teaching are becoming more and more popular after COVID-19.

The commercial audio market is very complex, with many segments. For example, microphones, speakers, signal adapters, etc.

Eyqoo has always focused on the identification, acquisition and processing of audio signals. Omni-directional microphones with more comprehensive performance are designed for different size rooms. Through the intelligent 3A algorithm, the speaker’s voice is automatically recognized and amplified. At the same time, eliminate ambient noise and echo.

Enter the commercial audio market with the Eyqoo high-performance intelligent microphone. It’s a very smart choice.

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